New board member, Chief Bill Caponigro, shares his thoughts on why he chose to join CAC's board.

I recently was asked to become a board member for the CAC. I was honored to have been considered. I accepted that role because I know how valuable the services are, not only to the Law Enforcement community but more importantly to the juvenile victims and their families.
I was hired in 1999 as a patrol officer for the city of Prospect Heights. In 2012, through 2020, I was assigned to the Investigations Unit. As an Investigator, it was my responsibility to investigate many sexual abuse/assault cases involving juvenile victims. From that experience, I know firsthand how important and difficult the role of a Forensic Interviewer can be. The before and aftercare provided by the Victim Advocates at the CAC is spectacular and absolutely vital for the well-being of the victim and their family members.
In May of 2022, I was promoted to Chief of Police of the Prospect Heights Police Department. The Prospect Heights Police Department works closely with the CAC and wholeheartedly believe that without their dedication and professionalism the surrounding police agencies and the juvenile victims in their perspective jurisdictions would suffer a huge disadvantage in the prosecution of offenders targeting juveniles.