Our Hoffman Estates location is temporarily closed for renovations. Please reach out to
your CAC contact or info@cachelps.org for appointment information.
Guardians of Hope
When you make a legacy gift, you become a Guardian of Hope and leave a lasting impact on CAC, enabling us to continue to bring hope, help and healing to young abuse survivors and their families.
Include a provision for a bequest to CAC in your will or testamentary trust, and you will leave a legacy for children without reducing your income. Your attorney can help you include a bequest to The Children’s Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County in your estate plan.
Planned gifts can offer a way to make a more significant impact and create lasting change for children and families
served at CAC.
Life Insurance
You may designate CAC as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy you own, or you may transfer a paid policy that you no longer need to CAC. Changing or adding a beneficiary is free, and it only requires you to fill out a simple form from your insurance company.
​Charitable IRA Rollovers
Donors over the age of 70.5 can avoid tax penalties by rolling over up to $100,000 to CAC. These are eligible to be counted toward your minimum required distribution. Talk to your financial advisor or tax professional for guidance on your specific situation.
Outright Gifts of Property
These gifts can include gifts of homes, vacation homes, property, artwork, collections, or business interests.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions about legacy giving to the Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County or if you need any additional information that might be helpful to you or your attorney/financial advisor.
If you have included a bequest for CAC in your estate plan, please contact us to let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity!
** Disclaimer – The discussion here is general in nature and may not apply to all individuals. Prospective donors are urged to consult their personal tax and financial advisors concerning the specific consequences of making gifts to Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County. These measures may also have an impact on your estate planning.
Sample bequest language**
** Disclaimer – The language here is general in nature and may not apply to all individuals. Prospective donors are urged to consult their personal tax and financial advisors concerning the specific consequences of making gifts to The Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County. These measures may also have an impact on your estate planning.
Sample Bequest of a Specific Dollar Amount
“I give, devise and bequeath to The Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County, (tax identification number EIN #36-3711203), maintaining its headquarters at 640 Illinois Blvd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169, the sum of $________________, for The Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County's general use and purpose (or describe the specific purpose, if desired)”
Sample Bequest of a Specific Dollar Amount
“I give, devise and bequeath DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY to The Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County, (tax identification number EIN #36-3711203), maintaining its headquarters at 640 Illinois Blvd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169, for The Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County's general use and purpose (or describe the specific purpose, if desired)”
Samples Bequest of a Specific Dollar Amount
“I give, devise and bequeath all of the right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at ADDRESS OR DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY to The Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County, (tax identification number EIN #36-3711203), maintaining its headquarters at 640 Illinois Blvd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169, for The Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County's general use and purpose (or describe the specific purpose, if desired)”